11-23-2003, 01:47 PM
The evidance is present on this thread http://www.islamsms.com/bb/showthread....s=&threadid=971
In Saheeh Mawaarid ath-Thimaan for ash-Shaykh al-Albaani, (published after his death) 'alayhi rahmatullah, he says in volume two, page 119, after explaining the popular hadeeth of Abi Ayoob, regarding the saying of Allah tabaraka wa ta'ala: walaa tulqoo bi aydiykum ilat-tahlukah, he said, paraphrasing:
"And in this popular story is evidence for what is known today as 'suicide operations', which some of the youth of Islaam go about doing to the enemies of Allah, but for this act [to be permissable] are certain conditions, and from the most important of them: For this action to be solely done for the face of Allah and to give victory to the religion of Allah, not for showing off, or repuation, or bravery, or being depressed from life".
So praise be to ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.
- Abu Dujanah.