11-20-2003, 08:38 PM
Salamu Alykum,
How great it was for me to read the Prof.'s story. In this time and age, we must all look upon this story to give us hope and strength. Unfortunately, when one becomes more religious, his eyes begin to open to the terror that affects not only muslims, but humanity in general. Yet we must not this bring us down. We must not, Insha Allah, fear the worst, for it is already here. As a great Prof. of Sharjah University, Dr.Hasan Qayed Al Subaihi said " In our darkest hour, we must now be patient for our light".
May Allah have mercy on us all and may Allah bless all born muslims and reward our converted brothers and sisters for their courage. May they be an example to us all.
Salamu Alykum
Taryam Al Subaihi