11-19-2003, 11:50 AM
Quote:I did not think Bush's nose was that long to be sticking it in every single countries politics. Is he even a Republican? Are they not supposed to be for smaller government and less interference with other countries? I do not even know anymore.well it is Dan it is longer than you think, longer than history itself, he is sticking it everywhere, he finished afghanistan then started with Iraq(not to say that Saddam is mr. perfect, they inducted him there in the first place), then threats to syria and Iran and Saudi arabia as well, and once he was casting a speech about the middle east and he said that this is a crusade, so it is clear what he is doing or any other american leader that will come, because zionists are ruling the world and they are moving rulers like puppets as they please, but time Insh'Allah will come when their guile will be overcomed by Allah Allmighty but only when muslims return to the Quran and Sunnah
and i hope this is near Insha'Allah.
Yes and about the american woman to saudi well let us see his democracy how does it work here. the Democracy they are talking about is a bluff the true Democracy is Islam and nothing else weather they like it or not. Well they have many Allies everywhere but as I told u they are playing a chess game moving that and throwing that, wasn't Bin Laden their ally as well, but the time will come when the game will end and they will rot in fire.
wa Alsalam wa Jazak Allah kul Kheir