11-03-2003, 09:07 AM
as salam alykom star
sorry for the late reply
U should take the inention of making night prayer (qiyamu al ayl).
No specific number of Raka`a (open)
Make any dua u wish but of course the Messenger of Allah (PAPBUH) instructed A-esha when she asked him about this to say:
اللهم انك عفو كريم تحب العفو فاعف عنا
Allahum inaka a`afowon kareemun tuhebul a`afow fa`afu a`ana
Allahum You are the One who Pardons and Generous Loving Pardon so Pardon us.
Of course u may ask for forgiveness and freedome of hell fire. since the last ten days of Ramdan is when Allah grants freedom of Hell fire. May He grant us all total freedom of Hell fire. U may make any other dua u wish for stressing of course forgiveness and pardon or any other requests.
and don't forget to include meeeeeee in your dua Star