03-22-2003, 11:11 AM
As Salam Alykom brothers
First of all, I don't percieve myself doing anything much compared to Allah's countless blessings.
I was really inspired by the story of both of you, matter of fact, and this is just a very personaly opinion, I see that dawa among us Muslim by birth is more important than calling non Muslims to Islam. We need to scrap ourselves taking off whatever keeps us away from the correct path. You know what, doing so will automatically result into others to come asking about this religion. Actually Allah Becomes very Happy with the repentence of His servant. It is a special moment when one repents.
In our forum, we need to focus on and practice Islamic mannerism and moral which are actually bases for the Western Etiqetter principles but people deny it.
My brothers, Alhamdulelah who guided us for this and if it was not for Him we would have never been guided. May He keep me, you and the Muslim Ummah fixed on His correct path. Ameen Ameen Ameen