10-21-2003, 04:47 PM
Quote:<i>Originally posted by AhmedSyed </i><b>They might, I don't know, I left Pakistan when I was 6. </b>I look at world events and use different resources including the writings of Islamic dissidents who want changes. I think it is the fault of the followers and the mullas who preach in the so called madrasses. It's all over the place, Sri Lanka, Philipines, Bangladesh, Afghanistan (anything with "stan" actually) and so it goes on. Islam seems like a magnet for religious zealots. Not your fault I know, but that;s the way I see it.
But even if they were, it cannot be Islam's fault. It is the fault of the followers who commit such atroucious acts.
And what would make you say that?
Quote:<i>Originally posted by AhmedSyed </i><b></b>Histrorically, I cannot say with any degree of certainty about what went on in 7th century arabia but from my understanding, Islam also went on the rampage throughout the region and was eventually stopped by the French, funnily enough. Russia apparantly rejected Islam because the ruler at the time Ivan, did not want to give up vodka. So you could argue Islam merely lost what it had attained through its own aggressive expansion. But that is neither here not there in todays world.
Habib, first of all. Islam can't be held responsible for what its followers do. What if I held Christianity for what happend to the Jews in the pogroms (attacks made on Jewish villages). Is that justice? Is it fair for me to hold the religion accountable?
If you look at what the west went through in order to become this great empire it is now, you'll see that it had to defeat the muslim empires along the way. It is fight that has been going on for centuries.
Quote:<i>Originally posted by AhmedSyed </i><b></b>Islam IS the problem and here is why. Islam is not really a religion, it is a regime. It is a regime that cannot adapt to a modern world (civilisation) and cannot be reformed, so I am told. While Islam insists on barbaric laws such as stoning someone to death for the "crime" of sex outside of marriage, homosexuality is also a death sentence and so on, then it is always going to be in conflict with western idealogy. I've said before, I don't care about a persons religious beliefs, but it cannot be part of the law system, complete seperation of church and state is what I am about.
Islam isn't the problem here, its HUMANS. We are the bloodsheders, not Islam (which teaches us to control our anger and to use the sword only when our lifes are in certain danger).
Quote:<i>Originally posted by AhmedSyed </i><b></b>It's not so much about specific verses now but if I find something that interests me, I will certainly post a question on it although I am more likely to question sharia law, human rights and the oppression of women in Islam.
Habib, I strongly urge you to make a new thread in which you can post all the verses in the Quran that you have a question about.
That way, we can take it one at a time.
And one last thing, I don't believe Muslim are bad people, far from it. But I do think that some of the teachings in the Qu'ran are <i>suspect</i> and that the last prophet, well lets say, he is a somewhat <i>"colourful"</i> character.