10-18-2003, 09:03 PM
Assalamualaikum wrahamataullahi wbarakatuah
Jazzakallakhiare for ur reply. Firstly I would like to point out the issue of 11th of September and the issues of Jihaad, this is a big and hot topic to talk about and i wont really dwell on it here. U mention fatwa, can u provide them...I ask this not to patronise u but i would like to read them. If you search or look up Sheikh Hisham U'yeri and Sheikh Hammoud bin Ugla as-Shouibi may Allah(swt) make them Siddeeq and Shaahed(they were both killed recently by the Kufr Saudi Goverment and it was ordained by that Taghoot and mushriq leader Fahd) they both gave fatwa, and hey both said it was allowed, so if u could provide the fatwa that would be most interesting. Futheremore u mention analysis of ayah of the quran, sister please dont 'analyse' quran from aqel but provide tafseer from 'ulema and provide the fatwa.
p.s. yes i am a brother. and sister or anyone else if i have offened u or upset u in anyway please forgive me,again Jazzakallakhaire:)