08-17-2003, 11:43 AM
Bismillah, ***NOW IT IS HALAAL, WHEN THE WIFE WILL ACCEPT, ONLY PART, AND MAY ALLAH (swt), grant these sisters, permission into any gate they choose, on the day of Judgement...amin!
Although I speak of brothers, one if that's all you can handle. I do know polygamy marriages that work, but all of them don't. I do know of a brother with 3 wives and 10 children and they all seem to get along, but they all live in the same house, and 2 wives work, masha'llah. I don't know what's in the hearts of these sisters, but Allah will for sure bless them for thier patience and tolerance.
But there is so much divorce, because of polygamy, it's very sad. I only wish well for our whole islamic family
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmantu'llah