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German Catholics Urge Full Rights To Muslims


What I am trying to say is that is not the Catholic position unless catholicism has changed in the past four years.

Who told you this or where have you read it? I have never come across anything like that in all my years as a Catholic. The dogma, the rules, the law of the church states that belief in Jesus as fully human and fully divine is a prerequesite to going to heaven.

If this has changed then it is just another example of how the catholic church has men change the religion.

During the Spanish Inquisition which was sanctioned by the Catholic church, jews and muslims were killed if they did not proclaim belief in Jesus as lord and savior. This is not following the belief of tolerance that you stated.

Granted there are people who call themselves muslims who do horrible things but they are not endorced by Islam. The problem with catholocism is that the laws of the church can be changed by men in a council. The masses used to have to be in latin and women had to cover their heads in church and the eucharist could only be accepted on the tongue. Vatican II changed that. How is that a religion sanctioned by God when it is changed at the whims of men?

If you could give me a viable catholic church endorsed reference to what you are saying then I will gladly read it and change my opinion. I am not opposed to that. But I have never, ever, ever been told this before while I was in catholic school, in a catholic parish, in a catholic church in the 21 years that I was catholic.

I am sorry for any anger that I may have aroused because I am truly trying to understand this statement of yours. Really please provide me with some references where I can see this for myself. I know ALOT about the church and am taken aback by this belief that you have told me about so I want to get my facts straight if I am wrong.

Thanks and God Bless us all


Any good that has come from this messages is only due to Allah and all the bad if from only myself and my shortcomings.


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German Catholics Urge Full Rights To Muslims - by Dan - 10-13-2003, 03:34 AM

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