09-27-2003, 03:04 PM
Aslaam alikum
I remembered some cases of married if Arab Muslim men to American non Muslim women during my life in USA
The good example was married of a good Muslim brother age was 20 years to non Muslim woman and he did not force her to convert to islam and both of them where looked a good couple
He used to take her to Muslim community and friends
He gave her all Islamic information she needed
After few years she converted and they are very happy couple and they have a son.
The bad example was married of a Muslim I knew that he WAS away from Islam to a non Muslim American woman had a teenager son and daughter only for the sake of American citizenship lived with her like animal I saw by my own eyes in his house the whole family of his wife was living together with boyfriend & girlfriend
After years of married and processing of his citizenship they got divorced
Alhumdoulelah for the blessing of Allah on us as Muslims