Assalamo Alikum,
Quote:Let's get back on topic, which is the video AlShamms posted with this thread. And, let's deal with issues one at a time.I honestly haven't seen the video and didn’t even know who the speaker was, but to end the doubts once and for all I would advise you to read what qualified scholars have said regarding this matter:
ISSUE ONE: When is a husband permitted to beat his wife?
According to the video:
"The honoring of the wife in islam is also evident in the fact that the punishment of beatings is permissible in one case only: when she refuses to sleep with him. He should begin with admonishments and threats."
QUESTION ONE: Is this quotation an accurate description of sharia law, in regards to when a husband is permitted to beat his wife? Q&A
If you are still not convinced with that answer then I guess I won't be able to offer you anything else concerning this topic!