08-02-2009, 01:31 PM
Quote:do u feel that this langauge is fit to be included in a divine book,
The questions we ask always reveal how we understand things. This type of language reveals a personal projection of what you think God is supposed to be.
When discussing issues with atheists, they would always follow the same line of thought. For example, God is supposed to love everyone, so therefore why should anybody be punished. Ergo, God does not exist, by God's only definition. But it was they who set the standard of what God was supposed to do. Saying what is 'fit' to be in scripture is the same thing.
While there are various forms of bigotry; religious, racial, economic, etc., all bigotry is self-created based upon our expectations, and our mistaken pride. It is not our job to arrange the world into our expectations, but to fit ourselves into God's expectations.
I must admit, however, that God is in some ways a bigot. He will divide us into two groups of the good and not so good. Having a group of 'chosen ones' (the Hebrews) and taking a nation from within a nation would certainly appear to promote bigotry, and history has seen much bigotry as a result of this action. Nevertheless, God seems to always know what He is doing, and is ahead of our thinking by many centuries. Just as we have revelations as individuals, so too does the world seem to have revelations, albeit more slowly. The various nations all share a common history, though they are all in different places at any particular time. Kind of light from the stars, you can see all the various stages simultaneously. The same is true of how people think. Children ask childish things, the wise ask wise things, and we all ask the questions that are inbetween.
In other words, think about how you think.