<b>The Helpless </b>
And how could you refuse to fight in the cause of God and of the utterly help¬less men and women and children who are crying, "0 our Sustainer! Lead us forth [to freedom] out of this land whose people are oppressors, and raise for
us, out of Thy grace, a protector, and raise for us, out of Thy grace, one who will bring us succour!" (4:75)
<b>Orphans and the Poor </b>
The truly virtuous are they who fulfil their vows, and stand in awe of the Day of woe of which is bound to spread far and wide and who give food - however great be their own want of it - unto the needy, and the orphan, and the captive. (76:7-8)
And do not touch the substance of an orphan - save to improve it - before he come of age. (6:152)
Behold those who sinfully devour the possessions of orphans but fill their bellies ~th fire: for [in the life to come) they will have to endure a blazing flame! (4:10)
But nay, nay, [0 men, consider all that you do and fail to do:) you are not generous towards the orphan, and you do not urge one another to feed the needy, and you devour the inheritance [of others) with devouring greed, and you love wealth with boundless love! (89: 17-20)
<b>Debtors </b>
If, however, [the debtor) is in straitened circumstances, [grant him) a delay until a time of ease; and it would be for your own good - if you but knew it - to remit [the debt entirely) by way of charity. And be conscious of the Day on which you shall be brought back unto God, whereupon every human shall be repaid in full for what he has earned, and none shall be wronged. (2:280-281)
<b>The Ignorant </b>
... And, whenever they heard frivoulous talk, having turned away from it and said:
"Unto us shall be accounted our deeds, and unto you, your deeds. Peace be upon you - [but) we do not seek out such as are ignorant [of the meaning of right and wrong]." (28:55)
Those Who Do Not Believe in Islam
As for such [of the unbelievers) as do not fight against you on account of [your) faith, neither drive you forth from your homelands, God does no~ forbid yo~ to show them kinkness and to behave towards them with full eqUIty: for, venly, God loves those who act equitably. God only forbids you to turn in friendship towards such as fight against you because of [your) faith, and drive you forth from your homelands, or aid [others) in driving you forth; and as for those [from among you) who turn towards them in friendship, it is they, they who are truly wrongdoers! (60:8-9)
<b>PERSONAL CONDUCT Unnecessary Questions</b>
a You who have attained to faith! Do not ask about matters which, if they were to be made manifest to you [in terms oflaw), might cause hardship; for, if you should ask about them while the Quran is being revealed, they might [indeed) be made manifest to you [as laws). God has absolved [you from any obligation) in this respect: for God is much-forgiving, forbearing. (5: 101)
<b>Excel in Goodness </b>
... Vie then with one another in doing good works... (5:58)
Evil Desires
[And We said:) "0 David! Behold, We have made thee a [prophet and, thus, Our) vicegerent on earth: judge, then between men with justice, and do not follow vain desire, lest it lead thee astray from the path of God: verily, for those who go astray from the path of God there is suffering severe in store for having forgotten the Day of Reckoning!" (38:26)
<b>Pride and Arrogance </b>
And turn not thy cheek away from people in [false) pride, and walk not haughtily on earth: for, behold, God does not love anyone who, out of self con¬ceit, acts in a boastful manner. Hence, be modest in thy bearing, and lower thy voice: for behold, the ugliest of all voices is the [loud) voice of asses ... (31: 18-19)
<b>Temptations </b>
Make due allowance for man's nature, and enjoin the doing for what is right; and leave alone all those who choose to remain ignorant. And if it should hap¬pen that a prompting from Satan stirs thee up [to blind anger), seek refuge with God: behold, He is all-hearing, all-knowing. Verily, they who are conscious of God bethink themselves [of Him] whenever any dark suggestion from Satan touches them - whereupon, lo! they begin to see [things) clearly, (7: 199-201)
<b>Etiquette </b>
[All of you, a believers, are brethren: hence,) no blame attaches to the blind, nor does blame attach to the lame, nor does blame attach to the sick [for accept¬ing charity from the hale), and neither to yourselves for eating [whatever is offered to you by others, whether it be food obtained) from your [children's) houses, or your fathers' houses, or your mother's houses, or your brother's houses, or you sister's houses, or your paternal uncles' houses, or your paternal aunts' house, or your maternal uncle's houses, or your maternal aunt's houses or [houses) the keys whereof are in your charge, or [the house) of any of your friends; nor will you incur any sin by eating in company or separately. But whenever you enter [any of these) houses, greet one another with a blessed, goodly greeting, as enjoined by God.
In this way God makes clear unto you His messages, so that you might [learn to) use your reason. (24:61)
<b>Visits </b>
a you who have attained to faith! Do not enter houses other than your own unless you have obtained permission and greeted their inmates. This is [enjoined upon you) for your own good, so that you might bear [your mutual rights) in mind. Hence, [even) if you find no one within [the house), do not enter it until you are given leave; and if you are told, "Turn back," then turn back. This will be most conducive to your purity; and God has full knowledge of all that you do. [On the other hand,) you will incur no sin if you [freely) enter houses not intended for living in but serving a purpose useful to you: but [always remember that) God knows all that you do openly, and all that you would conceal. (24:27-29)