08-16-2008, 06:17 PM
As Salam alaikum
Of course, we must have sincerity upon all actions that we do. So let us not just robotically type but rather say with our tongues and hearts the prayers and peace upon the Prophet sallahu alaihi wa salam.
BUT- These two above bold and underlined phrases should be an alert for ALL muslims. If there is <b>evidence</b> for an opinion, the only way to counter that opinion is with more <b>evidence</b> (Quran and ahadith).
I found these words coming from my mouth too much. I remember that anything that I say about Islam I am accountable for, especially if I am "teaching" someone. It is better to just leave it than contradict something which our hearts and minds do not agree with.
I do not want to sound like I am picking on anyone. I just noticed this trend in MY behavior and feel that I must watch for it. For whatever that is worth?
As Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu
As Salam alaikum
I thinke that I do not know,but now I think that I do not understand.
actually "I think " means for me that "this is my opinion"
and "may be I do not know" means for me that " it is possible that i am wrong."
Any how I am not against any opinion ,only i did not feel the importance of this subject and may be I am wrong.
I think SisterJennifer explain what i mean better than me.
excuse me brother for my poor language,and thanks for your reply.