08-04-2008, 02:55 PM
What happened to Muslims in this forum by treating JOHNDOE so nice and vindicating yourselves for not defending the palestinian martyrdom kids.Who is this thrash JOHNDOE to telle us how to bring our children up,etc...Yes,you like or not,we will teach our children from generation to generation to sacrifice their lives for ISLAM by detonating themeselves,especially in Palestine against the JEWS.You, unbelievers have no guts to give your life for a cause let alone for GOD,because you will be missing your wives,Mac Donalds,Lager,Costa del Blanca,Tenerife,etc....JOHNDOE talks about Muslim kids HATRED feelings towards the jews and so on...may be you can cast your venom to gullible Muslims,but you won't be able to make us swallow it,your unbeliever governements are/have been killing Muslims for centuries,accaparing/usurping their wealth,etc...and you think the true Muslims(true believers) will stay impotent and indifferent,make no mistakes JOHNNY BE BAD,as long as the Muslims are suffering and being oppressed by your beloved JEWS and Crusaders,you will not be able to taste your BURGER at your ease(comfortable),and you will not even have the time to finish your coffee,The World has changed and victory is for ISLAM.By the way,you got 3 choices in the near future,either you accept ISLAM(you are welcome with an open arm),or if you refuse/reject ISLAM(no compulsory in religion) you ought to pay a TAX(different from your high taxes in your own country) for your protection,or you refuse to do so you will join JOHN LENNON in Hellfire.And this is my opinion expressed to JOHNDOE,free speech isn't it??!!!!