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Polygynous Expressions: New Logo, New Book, New Look

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Bismillaah Inalhamdalillaah was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'Aalaa Rasulillaah wa Ba'd:

Assalaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh. Submissions for the brothers' polygyny anthology as well as the co-wife anthology are no longer being accepted. <i>Polygynous Expressions</i> has merged the brothers' anthology with the co-wife anthology and we are diligently working to compile a beneficial piece of literature. The first draft has been completed and mashaaAllaah is 177 pages of scholarly proofs, beneficial reminders and wise naseehah. The book has been forwarded to a number of students of knowledge for review, may Allaah reward them abundantly for assisting us in this endeavor. And may Allaah reward all those who have submitted material for publication. Ameen. Please keep us in your du'aa and refer back to the <i>Polygynous Expressions</i> website in the future for updates on the release of our latest book, which will be entitled, <i>"Ta'addud Az-Zawjaat: Candid Reflections on Polygyny from the Muslim Ummah."

Baarak Allaahu feekum!

Sister Aneesa fee New York
<b>Founder</b>,<i>Polygynous Expressions</i>


<b>Ta’addud Az-Zawjaat: Candid Reflections on Polygyny from the Muslim Ummah

COMPILED BY: <i>Aneesa Azeez/Polygynous Expressions</i>


<b>About the Book</b>
<i><b>Ta'addud Az-Zawjaat: Candid Reflections on Polygyny from the Muslim Ummah</b></i> will be the second publication to be released by Aneesa Azeez, also known as MizAzeez, following the publication of her memoir entitled, <i><b>Polygynous Blessings: Musings of a Muslim Wife</b></i>.

Included within this new publication are: commentary by reputable Muslim scholars, past and present, on <i>Qur’aanic</i> verses and Prophetic narrations related to marriage in general and polygyny in particular; scholarly advice and legal rulings on issues related to polygyny; testimonials from Muslim men and women on the benefits and trials of plural marriage, including advice on correctly and successfully implementing polygyny; narrations from the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, regarding their dealings within polygyny; and reminders from the <i>Qur’aan</i> and <i>Sunnah</i> regarding emotions that undoubtedly arise within a polygynous marriage, such as jealousy, envy, and anger, as well as remedies to such behavior, such as patience and complete trust in and reliance upon Allaah.

<i><b>Ta'addud Az-Zawjaat</b></i> will be the first book to be released as part of an anthology series launched by <i>Polygynous Expressions</i>, a venture which seeks to publish literature highlighting positive examples of plural marriage within the Muslim community, alongside providing advice and scholarly proof on polygyny from the <i>Qu'raan</i>, <i>Sunnah</i>, and pious Muslim predecessors.

<i>Polygynous Expressions</i> was started in order to respond to the growing desire within the Muslim community for positive literature on polygyny written from a more personal standpoint, however, framed within the shade of the <i>Qur’aan</i> and <i>Sunnah</i>. While there is some written material on the topic of polygyny in Islaam from a more personal standpoint, most of this literature is from the voice of Muslim women, some directly involved in polygyny, some not. In addition, the resounding voice of existing literature on polygyny in Islaam from a personal standpoint seems to be a voice of opposition and Allaah, glorified and high is He above all imperfections, knows best.

Indeed, from the important aspects of a Muslim’s life is marriage and from the aspects of marriage ordained by Allaah and practiced by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is polygyny. Allaah states in the <i>Qur’aan</i>, the meaning of which is, “Marry other women of your choice, two, or three or four.” And it has been reported in <i>Saheeh Al-Bukhaari</i> from Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, “Marry, for the best person from this (Muslim) nation (i.e. Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him) had the largest number of wives.”

Many amongst the Muslim ranks are beginning to realize the growing need and practice of polygyny and so, instead of trying to avoid this part of the religion of Islaam or relegate it to the status of some type of abnormality or exception, more Muslims are seeking to better understand how to establish and maintain successful polygynous marriages. It is the sincere intention and hope of the compilers of <i><b>Ta’addud Az-Zawjaat: Candid Reflections on Polygyny from the Muslim Ummah</b></i>, that this book will aid the Muslims in better understanding and submitting to the legislation of Allaah, and that it will assist in strengthening the familial and marital bonds present throughout the Muslim community. And indeed, with Allaah lies all success.

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Polygynous Expressions: New Logo, New Book, New Look - by poly_blessings - 01-29-2008, 03:42 PM

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