08-30-2003, 11:25 AM
Asalam~O~Alykum sisters
This is a poem wrote, by a very good poet. She is not famous but she is really good. In fact she is one of my best friends and I want 2 share with the whole world what her idea's and her very good work r really like. Zagah allah kol 5ear
Salam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sally Samy
Too Late..
How come I never realized that one day it would be too late?
Why didn't I stop her from going out on dates?
I saw her cheat and lie to her mom,
I saw her lying to go to the prom.
I thought one day she'd quit her acts,
Turn to Allah, His Quran, His Verses and His Facts.
All the time she cheated on tests,
I didn't stop her I thought someday she'd confess.
She thought it was cool to shoplift at the mall,
I never thought that someday she'd fall.
I always saw her being rude to her mom talkin back to her,
I couldn't see the truth I was blinded by a blur.
All her clothes were really tight,
Car accident, she's gone in a blink of an eye.
I never thought the time would come so fast for her to die.....
I can't help but think as I sit here and pray,
For Allah to protect her in the grave where she lay.
How didn't I realize it?How couldn't I see?
But then again wait.... why didn't she?
-Salma Sidki