10-07-2007, 08:43 PM
as salam alykom
Jazaki Allah khairan jennifer for this article
I liked much what he said:
As Muslims, we should never underestimate what it takes to renounce one's former religion and embrace Islam. Just as we spend a great deal of time and money on calling others to Islam, we need also to spend similar, if not more, on helping those who have embraced Islam to grow in their new faith.
As an outsider to this particular case, it seems to me that her dilemma much reflects the doctrinal dilemmas being experienced by the Episcopal Church in the US, as much as her personal conversion story. It may be possible in her church to have a variety of beliefs, catering for a wide range of different points of view.
In Islam, we simply submit to the will of Almighty Allah and follow the example of His Prophet — Muhammad. The opinion of this one or that one is not important when compared to the facts revealed to humankind in the Qur'an. As Muslims, we believe that the Qur'an is the revealed word of Allah. It is the exact word of Allah and has not been altered in any way.
This episode can help us all to present Islam in a very clear way to those who would embrace it. As brothers and sisters to one another, we cannot let down new Muslims by not presenting everything about Islam to them in a simple way.