as salam alykom Karbala,
Alright I will seize the weekend chance.
Let me see and make it easier for you. Majroty of Shira do use Torbah for performing Salah.
Most of the Torbah comes from Karbala:
1. How valid it is Salah if performed without Torbah??
2. how does using Karbala Torbah affect (increase, improve, better validate Salah)?
3. What does Karbala represent to you or any other shia?
Regarding the metaphore issue. I will take it that you are over concerned to fall into slandering Allah, while we take it that we are concerned to say other than what Allah (Himself) not us, Say in Quran... Not understanding what they are, how they look like, is totally different.
I leave it here because actually all this is ghayb, just like Jannah, Juhannum, Qlam, Lawuh..etc. May Allah Allow us to maintain Tawheed ameen.