08-08-2003, 12:18 AM
I pray Allah bless me to state what's right.
Brother killing is unlawfully is a great sin, so killing yourself is haraam. There is no compulsion in reliegion.
When the Prophet (saaws) was dying, he (saaws) laid in the arms of Aisha (ra) and said , that he had a headache.
Both Prophet Muhammad (saaws) and Abu Bakr ® died from illnesses.
As for pain during death, I have no idea, but as mentioned, the Prophet (saaws) felt pain in his (saaws) head, but during his (saaws) he (saaws) suffered from headaches anyway, masha'llah.
May Allah grant us HIs (swt) good pleasure during life here, upon death, and in the hereafter...amin!
As-salaamu alaikum
As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmantu'llah