09-15-2007, 07:43 PM
As salam alykom
Seems I will just make an intervention here, Karbala, most of the time when i pray in Ka`ba and note I say most of the time, Iranian women actually break the line by not joining us. They leave a space, dont start with us. Only this year, I observed even during Juma, not sure if the language barrier or others, they just made salat and left didnt wait for khutba. But most of the time they do break the line in order not to join us and most of the time they start after us. The worst part, is that quite a number of times for reasons unknown to me, they keep approching me either in Masjed Nabawi or Ka`ba and insist I join them in a special dua which I realised later, since they actually do insist, is calling an Imam after another, making dua for Ali Karram Allahu wajahu, ..etc. I m sure you are aware of this procedure. Karbala, I m sure u do believe my intention and quest. I really want to understand.
Leave alone this piece of rock they carry all around and wrap in a peace of cloth with Quran ayahs written all around, in many cases I had to tell them not to put this quran on the floor and then make sujud on it.
Now I know we did discuss Torbah before, as I understand this torbah, I m not discussing the sharia reasons behind it as u presented, but it has to be brought from Karbala, being called Torbah Husayniah makes it a condition to be obtained from there, am I not correct???