09-15-2007, 06:00 PM
Quote:Anthropomorphism for one. There are quite a few Aqeeda issues with Wahabbis.
Uh-oh... This should be fun. Looks like I'm a "wahabi" then. Anyways, can you name a few scholars whom you consider to be Sunnis? I might also be pushing it, but can you bring some of their quotes on anthropomorphism?
Quote:Ok. So you think Shi'ites are splitting Islam. Apart from differences in fiqh is there any other reason you interpret this way?
Well, for one, Shi'ites don't believe in anthropomorphism. They also try to split apart the so-called Wahabis, the Salafis, and whatever is left of Ahlul Sunnah wa Jama'a by condemning the former two.
Of course, there is the issue of Imamah. Don't you think that this is a big issue?
After Abu Bakr (raa) became the Caliph. There are Shi'ite narrations that say that Ali (raa) didn't accept this, but after a while swore allegiance to Abu Bakr (raa). I think that Shi'ites today need to do the same. It took Ali (raa) under two years to do it (the length of the life of Abu Bakr (raa), so it shouldn't take the rest of the Shi'ite world 1400+ years.
Quote:If I followed Sistani this would be a problem for me.
Actually I follow Sayyid Ali Khamenei. Here are his Fatwas regarding praying behing Sunnis.
So, would you agree that the followers of Sistani are splitting Islam instead of creating unity?