08-25-2003, 01:10 PM
Aslaam alikum
I agree with you sister muslmah that to marry for the sake of Allah it will make a difference in your whole life
For example in my experience and my observations to others that when we got married we care mainly about the BEAUTY of the other party and religion is not concedered the result of that we most of the time not compatible and we have to sacrifices every thing to protect or children even if we knew that we are doing some times bad deeds
At the end we have to gain what we deserve for not understanding our great religion
As profit Mohamed (saaws) advices to us that woman can be selected for married either for their BEAUTY or wealth or religious
And his advice to select the religious wife you will be a winner (this my own translation for the meaning)
Also profit Mohamed (saaws) express to us that one of the blessing things in life is the good Muslim wife (this my own translation for the meaning)
We should blame our self only if we did not follow the Sunnah