07-06-2007, 11:52 AM
ASsalam O Alaykum,
Brother Hadji Inshallah I will continue this discussion with you. I think you are right I do need to study the arabic of the verse a little deeper. Inshallah I will do that and get back to you. Arabic as you might not appreciate for a non-arab is a very hard language to comprehend.
Quote:If you aren't here to convert us to Shiasm, then why are you here?
I honestly don't believe that you'd just want to stop at "clearing our misconceptions about Shiasm."
Because the first time I saw this forum people were thinking that Shias kill sheep after naming them Abu Bakr and Umar, some people thought that we think that Jibraeel (as) made a mistake, others thought that we think that Ali was greater than Mohammad(saw) or that we thought Ali is god (May God protect us from such deviation) and yet others believe we have a different Quran.
All I wanted to do was clear some of these misconceptions and discuss some ideas. I have learnt a lot from you I hope you can be patient with me.
And May Allah Bless you all.