06-25-2007, 12:40 AM
The belief that God dwells in all of us is a pantheistic belief even held by some Sufi muslims today.
Astaghfirullah may God save us if they take these terms literally. However I suspect with Redding the language she uses is metaphorical ie what she means is that we are all full of the "Spirit of God". If you were to directly ask her whether she believes that God is inside her in the sense of space and time literally I suspect she will say no.
So I do not think her metaphorical statements "God dwells in is" is a statement of a Mushrik.
As far as taking Jesus as her saviour I dont think she is worshipping Jesus rather it is the same if a muslim says that Mohammad(saw) is their saviour. It is just a term of respect and allegience.
As far as the crucifixion story goes that is a more complex matter. There are some muslims that interpret the Quranic verses to make room for the crucifixion of Christ. I personally have examined these interpretations cross referencing them with gospel narratives and have found the issue full of conjecture and lack of evidence to come up with a solid conclusion. I personally believe that believing in the crucifixion of Christ does not make one non-muslim although Christ definitely did not redeem the sins of all humanity (that belief would definitely involve Kufr).
Furthering Faith Hope Charity point when Redding leads a Christian congregation in prayer I see no objection to this as long as she does it in accordance with Islamic teaching. If she prays in the name of God and there happens to be a christian congregation I cannot see what is wrong with this.