04-27-2007, 06:56 AM
Right. I think we have all misunderstood the concept of "Shia" as I presented in my post completely.
Quote:it is impossible that the Messenger prayer and peace be upon him would be meaning that those who are on the religion of Ali shall enter jannah
Read my post again I never claimed Ali had another religion. The deen of Islam is not monopolised by the followers of Ali or the followers of anyone else it is universal for anyone who says :shahadah:
Quote:In such case you are attibuting yourself to Ali rather than calling yourself a muslim
Take the example of Ibrahim :asalam: from the Quran.
Ibrahim is a Muslim.
<b>3:67 Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was "Haneef" and a "Muslim" and he was not of the idolaters.</b>
Does this stop Allah from calling Ibrahim a "Shia" of Nuh :asalam: ?
<b>37:83 Verily among those who followed his Way (Shiatih) was Abraham.</b>
I dont understand why there is a problem in someone calling themselves a "Shia of Ali". The Prophet used the same words himself. Similarly there shouldnt be a problem if someone says they follow "Salf al-Salih" or anything else.