02-11-2007, 01:31 PM
<b>The Incarnation</b>
Following the holy Church Fathers, therefore,
we all with one accord teach the profession of faith
in one and the same Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
perfect both in His divinity and in His humanity,
truly God and truly man composed of body and rational soul;
consubstantial with the Father in His divinity,
consubstantial with us in His humanity,
like us in every respect except for sin;
in His divinity begotten of the Father before all ages,
in His humanity born of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God,
in the last days for us and for our salvation.
We declare that the one selfsame Christ, only begotten Son and Lord,
must be acknowledged in two natures
without commingling or change or division or separation;
that the distinction between the natures
is in no way removed by their union
but rather that the specific character of each nature is preserved
and they are united in one person and one hypostasis.
We declare that He is not split or divided into two persons,
but that there is one selfsame only begotten Son, God the Word, the Lord Jesus Christ.
This the prophets have taught about Him from the beginning;
this Jesus Christ Himself taught us;
this the creed of the Church Fathers has handed down to us.
As these truths, therefore, have been formulated with all possible accuracy and care,
the holy, ecumenical council has ordained that no one may bring forward or put into writing or devise or entertain or teach others another Catholic faith.
<i>(Council of Chalcedon - 451)</i>