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The Secret of Naym Ibn Masud


As-salaamu`alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh to my brothers & sisters in Islaam

And so what is the secret of Naym Ibn Masud?

When the Muslim Ummah was facing it's darkest hour....."The Battle of the Trench"..... Naym Ibn Masud secretly took it upon himself to go to the Bani Israel and warn them about the potential treachery of the Quraish. And visa versa with the Quraish. This resulted in the cancellation of the 'pact' between the two and that very night they packed up and left in the midst of a severe windstorm.

Brothers and sisters in Islaam......

We are again facing our darkest hour.....the forces of satan are massing all around us. Isn't it time we asked ourselves what can we do to help?

Well, you too can share around the secret of Naym ibn Masud.

You don't need a gun.....just a keyboard and a 'kafir' screename.

Nowadays there is information galore about the 'wrongs' of the wars that the americans and their allies are up to. And everywhere there are plenty of kafir who with a little persuasion will think we are being wronged.

But we don't complain as muslims to them.....NO.....THAT'S KUFR!!!!

But a fellow 'kafir' complaining about how our 'dear american boys' are dying in iraq for a stupid unjust war may create a fitnah in their camp.

All you need is a screename and sign up in a few forums, yahoo groups, maybe the local newspapers letters section etc. And start complaining as a concerned american, englishman etc. Just be the "Champion of Peace" in some of their one of them (not as a whinging muslim). Stir them up to take action to stop killing us.....or as they need to hear....."Save our soldier-boys(kafir) from dying". Create your own topic and bring it alive by logging in and out with a second screename and carry on a conversation with yourself to fire them up.

It's real easy.....

There is plenty of material ready made.....just cut and paste.

Change their hearts and save a muslim's life.

Baarak Allaahu Feekum wa JazakumAllah khairan for taking the time to read this.

WasSalaamu alaykum


[b:81789e930d]Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest! 13.28[/b:81789e930d]


[b:81789e930d]Blessed be the name of thy Lord full of Majesty Bounty and Honor. 55:78[/b:81789e930d]

[b:81789e930d]Allah has revealed the most beautiful message, a Book consistent in its verses yet repeating its teachings in different ways. Those who fear their Rabb are filled with awe when they hear it, their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance of Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides with it whom He pleases. But he to whom He confounds shall have none to guide him. 39.23[/b:81789e930d]

<span>[b:81789e930d]ALLAHUMMA[/b:81789e930d] O Allah </span>

<span>[b:81789e930d]IN-NE AS'ALUKA[/b:81789e930d] I ask You for</span>

<span>[b:81789e930d]ILMAN NAFI'AN[/b:81789e930d] Beneficial knowledge</span>

<span>[b:81789e930d]WA RIZQ-AN TAYYIBAN [/b:81789e930d]And a good provision</span>

<span>[b:81789e930d]WA AMALAN MUTAQABBALA [/b:81789e930d]And Deeds that are accepted [/color:81789e930d]</span>

<span><span>[b:81789e930d]SUBHANAK ALLAAHUMA WA BIHAMDIK[/b:81789e930d] Glory & praise & gratitude is to You Oh Allah;</span></span>

<span><span>[b:81789e930d]ASH-HADU ALLAA ILLAHAA ILLA ANT[/b:81789e930d] I bear witness there is none that has the right to my worship but You; </span></span>

<span><span>[b:81789e930d]ASTAGHFIRUKA WA A TUBU EELLAIK[/b:81789e930d] I ask Your forgiveness and repent unto You.[/color:81789e930d]</span></span>

<span><span><span>I pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to forgive me for any errors or shortcomings. May Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala keep us on the Path that pleases Him. Ameen![/color:81789e930d][/size:81789e930d]</span></span></span>


<span><span><span><span>[b:81789e930d]</span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>What do you know about Islaam? [/b:81789e930d] [/color:81789e930d] *** </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>[b:81789e930d]The Guide[/b:81789e930d] </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span> *** </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>[b:81789e930d]The Light[/b:81789e930d]</span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span> *** </span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>[b:81789e930d]The Path[/b:81789e930d]</span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span> ***[/size:81789e930d] </span></span></span></span></span>

<span><span><span><span><span>[img:81789e930d]</span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span></span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span>[/img:81789e930d] </span></span></span></span></span>


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The Secret of Naym Ibn Masud - by Mutawakkil - 07-15-2003, 01:14 PM
The Secret of Naym Ibn Masud - by Mutawakkil - 07-15-2003, 01:35 PM

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