01-11-2007, 01:08 PM
Hello RT :wavey:
I'll keep this reply to the absolute minimum. I'm feeling lazy today.
<b>Miracles -</b> The possibility of miracles cannot be denied by anyone who admits the existence of a personal God. He who fixed the course of nature can alter, suspend or supercede it at His pleasure. The question of miracles is a question of evidence. The evidence in favour of miracles can be so thoroughly tested & controlled that we can arrive at certainty both regarding the miraculous character of the occurrence & its confirmation of a doctrine. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10338a.htm
<b>Rational Knowledge of God -</b> By the light of pure reason, we may arrive at some knowledge of the Nature of God from the fact that He is the First Cause, eternal and self-existent. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06612a.htm
<b>Supernatural Order -</b> Creation in its entirety includes heaven & earth. It indicates a bond, deep within creation, that unites both natural & supernatural & distinguishes the one from the other. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14336b.htm
<b>The Holy Bible -</b> The inspired written word of God. As every Biblical scholar knows perfectly well, there's no book in the world more difficult than the Holy Bible. It is a sheer absurdity to say that ordinary people (like you & I), with no knowledge of Hebrew or Greek, archaeology, ancient history or the writings of the Fathers of the Church, are competent to interpret it. "I would not believe in the Gospel, had not the authority of the Catholic Church already moved me" (St Augustine 354-430). For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08045a.htm
<b>Theist Evolution -</b> The Church has not ruled out the theory of evolution so long as it involves the Creator. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05654a.htm
<b>Rational Soul & Human Intellect -</b> The soul of man gets its knowledge of material things through the senses, of immaterial things through the mind. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1086.htm#2
<b>Genesis -</b> Adam & Eve didn't fall from grace because they ate the apple & became opened to the world of good & evil. They already possessed infused knowledge. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11312a.htm
<b>Man's Capacity for God -</b> From the age of reason onwards, we all search for the ultimate meaning in life. First comes the search, then the Divine Revelation by which God comes to meet man, & finally the response of faith. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06608b.htm
<b>Non-Catholic Faith Traditions -</b> There's some truth in all religions (mono & poly). That doesn't mean that there exists many gods though. There's only One Supreme Being/Reality who belongs to everyone. There's no "us vs them" mentality in Catholicism. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10499a.htm
<b>The Soul -</b> All living earthly things have a soul (material or immortal). Plants: vegetative; Brutes: vegetative, sensitive; Humans: vegetative, sensitive, rational. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1075.htm#3
<b>The God-Given Gift of Freewill -</b> God's omniscient, however, He doesn't interfere with our choices. For more info: http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1083.htm
<b>My one-line responses to the rest of your assertions:</b>
Take God out of the picture & morality becomes relative.
Evil is a distortion of good, permitted by God but never willed by Him.
The only thing God can't do is contradict Himself.
God, who is Perfect, can't create another God because God is an uncreated Being.
Evil is contrary to God's nature.
Being Catholic isn't a walk in the park.
There are no Atheists in hell because in the next life we're all believers.
Faith shouldn't contradict reason.
In our quest to become more God-like we're becoming less human.
Hell is painful (not physically) because it's eternal separation from God.
Constantine isn't the founder of Christianity; all he did was make it the official state religion.
Demons are fallen angels.
God doesn't have a religion.
Why do you fear death???
RT, it appears that you & I are the only ones reading this thread. Considering it has very little to do with Islam, shall we switch to PM mode? That way we can avoid essays & engage in a conversation-style interaction. Your posts contain everything from A-Z. Let's tackle one issue at a time. Please PM me with your response.
John Stuart Mill was spot-on when he said that Socrates dissatisfied is better than a pig satisfied. This discussion is rather intriguing!
Peace & Blessings.
<i>Faith Hope Charity Openness Tolerance Equality</i>