01-05-2007, 09:11 PM
Alhamdulelah, that Adam and Hawa (Eve) chose to repent when they committed their first sin. They said:
"They said: "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers." (Quran 7:23)
Alhamdulelah, that is how the path of repentance became the path of children of Adam. It is a golden opportunity.
Unlike Eblise who acted arrogant and never decided to repent, saying:
"Allah) said: "What prevented you (O Iblees) that you did not prostrate, when I commanded you?" Iblees said: "I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay." (Quran 7:12)
Then became stubborn and said:"
"Iblees, the Satan) said: "Allow me respite till the Day they are raised up." (Quran 7:14)