01-03-2007, 03:20 AM
Death - Jesus died and rose from the dead - Muhammad died and stayed dead.
Fighting - Jesus never fought - Muhammad fought many many times
Hearing from God - When Jesus heard from God he went to the desert to be tempted and began his ministry with boldness, (Mark 1:14-15). - When Muhammad heard from God (through an angel) he cowered, was uncertain, and wanted to commit suicide (Quran 74:1-5)
Identity - Jesus claimed to be God (John 8:24; 8:58) as well as a man.
Jesus claimed to be the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) -. Muhammad claimed to be a man.
Instructions - Jesus Received From God the Father (John 5:19) - Mohammad From an angel
Killing - Jesus never killed anyone - Muhammad killed many
Life - Jesus had the power to take life, but never did. He restored it. - Muhammad had the power to take it, but he never restored it.
No one ever died in Jesus' presence Many people died in Muhammad's presence -- he killed them.
Marriage - Jesus never married - Muhammad had over 20 wives and even married a nine year old girl.
Ministry - Jesus received his calling from God directly (Matt. 3:17).Jesus received his commission in the daylight
Muhammad received it from an angel (Gabriel) Muhammad received his words in the darkness of a cave.
Ministry Length - Jesus taught for 3 1/2 years - Muhammad taught for more than 20 years
Miracles - Jesus performed many miracles including healing people, calming a storm with a command, and raising people from the dead. - Muhammad's only alleged miracle was the Quran.
Prophecy - Jesus fulfilled biblical prophecy about being the Messiah - Muhammad did not fulfill any biblical prophecy except the ones about false teachers (Matt. 24:24).
Sacrifice - Jesus voluntarily laid his life down for others - Muhammad saved his own life many times and had others killed.
Sin - Jesus never sinned (1 Pet. 2:22) - Muhammad was a sinner (Quran 40:55; 48:1-2)
Slaves - Jesus owned no slaves - Muhammad owned slaves.
Virgin Birth - Jesus was virgin born - Muhammad was not virgin born.
Voice of God- Jesus received and heard the direct voice of God (Mark 1:10-11) - Muhammad did not receive or hear the direct voice of God. It was an angel instead.
Women - Jesus spoke well of women - Muhammad said women were were 1/2 as smart as men (Hadith 3:826; 2:541), that the majority in hell will be women (Had. 1:28,301; 2:161; 7:124), and that women could be mortgaged.