12-14-2006, 08:34 AM
Quote:Hi Rock,
The US, the UK & Australia are the 3 least Christian countries in the whole wide world, so please don't associate those horrific crimes taking place in Iraq with Jesus Christ. There are countless "real" Christians doing everything possible through charity organizations to stop the violence in the Middle East.
With all due respect, your answer is a lame cop out!
God bless.
Faith Hope Charity... Openness Acceptance Equality
Hi Faith Hope Charity
I never associate any action with the religion of the actor.I strongly believe that if any one want to understand any religion,he should try to know and discuss the rules and instructions of this religion,some times there is a big difference between the faith and the behaviour of the followers.
In my answer I mean there is no relation between what happend in Somalia and Islam,same as there is no relation between those horrific crimes taking place in Iraq with Jesus Christ inspite
that these crimes are made by chrisians.
Some non-muslims used to attack islam through attacking some muslims behaviour,CC neglect the part indicated that what happend depends on different understanding and indicated also what the Somalians did to protect theselves.
"your answer is a lame cop out!"
With all due respect,no comment.
Only if you want to discuss any point I mentioned in my answer,I am