11-15-2006, 06:34 AM
Asalamalaikum all :unsure:
I've been thinking about this lately, InshaAllah hopefully someone can shed some light on it.
When you stand in Prayer and your reciting your Quraan, aren't we suppose to lower our head down in humility? I see sometimes People having their head straight up and they look up.
When we're also sitting ~reciting Atihiyat~ aren't we suppose to keep our head abit down? Sometimes I see people sitting there without lowering their head, and it makes me wonder whether that is ok?
I was taught that if you don't lower your head in humility when in Prayer its a sin. Our entire posture should be in humility, I was taught when I was little that when I stand in Prayer I shouldn't stand too confident nor keep my head too high, I should lower it because I'm standing infront ALLAH SWT and I should be in complete submission and Humility infront of my lord and look like an obedient slave and not boasting.
I have also heard (I don't know if this is an actual hadith etc, or whether this was said to me to discipline me, that Allah will punish us, and that we will lose our sight, because we looked right into Allah, because when we're in Prayer we're actually standing infront of ALLAH).
I hope I made some sense because really I'm a bit worried about this whenever I notice it.
Jezekalah khairan