This is the way the decadent west behave in their everyday life and such acts are a norm in the west for the kufaar. So it is no surprise the US army is involved in such barbaric acts as the soldiers carry the same mentality if in the US or in Iraq.
Maybe when Bush and Blair talk about preserving freedom and their values, it is these very values and acts of freedom they cherish so much and wish to spread.
This is the value they have for human life!
Who are the terrorists, those who fight to save their honour and family or those who rape children in prison????
The world is in darkness and void of justice which explains why such animalistic behaviour takes place on a daily basis.
JD, do you believe this story or is it not conclusive or untrustworthy for you?!
May Allah SWT raise this noble ummah to the level which it deserves and bring mankind out of the darkness and into the light of Allah SWT.
PS - I can't seem to find the article when I click on the link.