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Let the debate begin-Round One

wel_mel_2 your argument has shifted from "does the Trinity exist" to "Should Jesus be worshipped." I suppose you are trying to establish that if Jesus is not to be worshipped, then he is not part of the Trinity, and therefore the Trinity does not exist.

I find this a quite curious method of inquiry given the high regard Muhammed is held by Muslims. While he is not regarded as God, clearly his words are. Whereas in Jesus we have someone who God proclaims to be His son, and therefore more likely to speak witout error.

(Keep in mind that Jesus was born of a virgin, just as Abraham and Sarah were given a son in their older years. There is nothing difficult about God making a miracle is there? Just as Isaac was to be sacrificed, so too was Jesus. Isn't it odd that the narratives should be so similar if Jesus was just another prophet?)

Also, Jesus says He does not bring peace, but division. You seem to be making His words come true by trying to find reasons to dispute His teaching.

The central narrative of the Bible is that men ignore the teachings of God and stone the prophets, and so God takes his revenge on the disobedient. I find the same narrative in the Qu'ran. Yet, men insist on seeking permission in the scripture to do the exact opposite of what it says. (The most common thing being to kill one another while serving in worship to a pagan symbol like a nation's flag.)

Have you not fallen into the same trap?

Please answer me a basic question: Does man have a right to kill another man, either by the word of God or by the laws of man?


Messages In This Thread
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-21-2006, 07:45 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by AlShamms - 09-21-2006, 02:34 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by AlShamms - 09-21-2006, 04:59 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by submit - 09-21-2006, 04:59 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by AlShamms - 09-21-2006, 05:01 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by submit - 09-21-2006, 08:32 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-22-2006, 09:28 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by Muslimah - 09-22-2006, 10:46 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by AlShamms - 09-22-2006, 03:35 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 09-22-2006, 09:31 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-24-2006, 02:48 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-26-2006, 01:32 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-26-2006, 04:00 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by AlShamms - 09-27-2006, 04:13 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-28-2006, 03:49 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by AlShamms - 09-28-2006, 01:45 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-28-2006, 11:52 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 09-29-2006, 12:04 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-29-2006, 02:48 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-29-2006, 02:53 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by reepicheep - 09-29-2006, 03:40 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-29-2006, 03:58 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 09-29-2006, 04:58 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-29-2006, 08:30 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 09-29-2006, 04:38 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by Steve Consilvio - 09-29-2006, 08:40 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-30-2006, 03:03 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-30-2006, 03:44 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 09-30-2006, 04:38 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 09-30-2006, 07:05 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 09-30-2006, 01:33 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 10-01-2006, 03:06 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 10-01-2006, 02:24 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 10-02-2006, 02:55 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 10-05-2006, 04:40 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by wel_mel_2 - 10-05-2006, 07:51 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by Rock - 10-06-2006, 07:32 PM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by John 15:18 - 10-15-2006, 12:33 AM
Let the debate begin-Round One - by Rock - 10-18-2006, 08:48 AM

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