09-24-2006, 07:20 PM
Hey what is up with u people, first u ask me to ask questions then u guys just disappear :rolleyes: :D
Insha now that its ramadan I'm going to try to participate in the quizes lots....
Insha we'll increase our knowledge, so u guys in or what?
If its ok I will answer the similarities between the Mahdi and Rasululah (saw)
<b>Abu Sa'id al-Khudari(RA) narrated that the Prophet(SAW) said: </b>
<b>Our Mahdi will have a broad forehead and a pointed (prominent) nose. He will fill the earth with justice as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He will rule for seven years.</b>
According to these reliable, authentic, and universally accepted narrations, Mahdi will:
He will be born in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Be from among the family of Prophet(SAW), among the descendants of Fatima(RA);
Have a broad forehead and pointed noise;
Escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge allegiance to him;
Fight in battles;
Spread justice and equity on earth;
Eradicate tyranny and oppression;
<b>Next Question:</b>
Who was the first person to be murdered on earth? By who? and Why?...hint: the story is in the Quraan