09-17-2006, 08:21 PM
Quote:You have several religious quotes and a strong opinion, which I respect. But, I am curious as to whether you can prove any of it?
How is it that a person can say that the Christian way of life is degenerate, and then use the Holy Bible to get across their point of view?
Re: "There is no "gods" but One GOD and there are no religions except one religion. All denominations or sects are degenerations of The Religion. "
Isn't it possible that the reason for different interpretations of God come from the differences in cultures. Are you saying that one culture better than another?
I did not say the Christian way of life is degenerate. I said that denominations or sects in religion, any religion are states of degeneration from the original messenger or message. There are not even different interpretations of God there are only successive stages of revelation. The Quaran is Islam, The Torah is Judaism , The Gospel is Christianity and etc.... There was no introduction of a new religion in any of these examples there was only clarification and unbending what went crooked.
If you are pure at heart you wish to be straightened out, that is all I am saying. Asanas are those with a pure heart.
Quote:i was confused by your post, but may God bless you...
erm by the way, a person who submits is not a Muslim. A good christian is not a Muslim by definition. This is because you have to be a unitarian monotheist submitter to be Muslim.
What I am saying is submission to God is Islam and if you are submitting in the best way you know how to submit you are by definition a Muslim. Now if I am giving something to you from God then you must pray to confirm it this is the way of Asanas the gracious ones of God.
There is no need to be philosophical at all, there is no reason to be theological at all. There is The God and The Religion, There is The Prophet and The Christ and now there is The Witness all these things are multple magnitudes of One.