07-22-2006, 04:43 PM
Quote:Let us assume your view is correct of Jesus being the only son of God (may Allah forgive me).
Doesn't Allah know your heart? If you are trying to explain that Jesus wasn't the Son of God then why would Allah condem you for your arguement?
God sent his son to know the judgement of sin on our behalf (by "our" I mean those who put their faith in Jesus).
Quote:Now what did this creation deserve? They deserved punishment for being astray.
The creation deserved damnation and eternity of hell's fire. God, in his mercy, provided his perfect lamb so that those who believe, repent and put their faith in Jesus would know everlasting life and enjoy God forever.
Quote:This makes the creation to God more important than His son.
No it doesn't. The Son sits at the right hand of the Father for all eternity in a position of glory.
Quote:Leave alone that the act of sacrifice conflicts with the nature of a God.
That act of sacrifice is most perfectly in harmony with the nature of God. Because God is Holy, Holy, Holy and perfect and his creation are fallen and sinfull a sacrifice is needed for any type of communion with God. The OT Jews had very strict sacrificial laws and temple rites. This was a foreshadow of the perfect sacrifce. Why did John the Baptist call Jesus "The Lamb of God."
Quote:I know the sacrifice was to eliminate the sins. What about the sins committed by Christians nowadays, like murder, stealing, rape or whatever. Or this sacrifice was to cover even such acts.
IF a true Christian commits any sin...which all Christians and every human being on the planet do commit sins, he must repent to the Lord. Christ's death on the cross covered all sins by those who believe from the beginning of creation till his final return.
Quote:Again for the point of having a son. regardless of the manner this son was created, having a son implies parenthood feelings. How can a God have parenthood feelings? A God in my view must be totally different from the creation. It makes one so comfortable and safe to know that our Lord is of a Supernatural power and Being. Having a son annuls all this.
We disagree. Man was made in God's own image (not physical image). We know that we share many of God's attibutes. We believe too that the Lord is supernatural and all powerful. Remember Genesis 22? God commanded Abraham to give his only son Issac? Read Genesis 22 sometime.
Quote:As Jesus is part of God, 2nd of trinity, does this imply that he has been always there? I assume yes. As I understand from curuious, that each part of God has a set of duties that they coordinate and each morning they are in harmony about who does what? Now this is very interesting. When Jesus was on the cross, no when jesus was a baby still breast feeding, did he delegate his duties to someone else? Who was in charge to take them over? Or those duties were not then fulfilled. How was the universe managed under such situation? If when he was a baby or on the cross, helpless, or in the grave before his claimed resurrection, was not assuming his duties, it does take away his divinity. In case his duties were carried out by the father or the holy spirit, this also makes him less divine that the other two parts of godhead.
Jesus isn't "2nd of trinity". All three in Godhead are equal. Yes Jesus was always there. He was present in creation. He was the creator. All things were made through him. (John 1) Jesus even claimed to the Jews that he was present before Abraham. Your assumption that each part of God has set duties isn't grounded. At different times each person in God has done different things. Because Jesus was fully God he could even perform his duties as a baby and on the cross.
Quote:More important, if his birth was miraculous and meant to be so, don’t u think that it would have been more effective if he showed up as already a grown up man. I mean why to start as a baby. The whole objective was to stress that fact that he is god incarnate. This should have been performed in a super miraculous fashion in order to attain this objective
Don't Muslims believe in Jesus' virgin birth? I guess a virgin giving birth isn't a super miraculous event to you?