“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
As the advent of Jesus was a significant incident in the humanity course, how come God didn’t even refer to it, or prepared mankind to accept it quite ahead. Why did god wait so long from Adam to Moses to take this step without any previous notification.
Let us assume your view is correct of Jesus being the only son of God (may Allah forgive me). It means that God had a son, as a result of any miraculous manner fine I understand, God sent His ONLY son to mankind. To do what? to call for worshiping God, am I not right? So the aim is to have the creation (mankind) believe in God (Obviously they did not) Who is a God? One of Super power, One Who is free of all needs and wants, One Who can do anything at any time. Does this God need His creation's compassion? No He does not.
But this same God still Sends His only son to mankind - who went astray - to bring them back to the correct path. Not only this, but also He sacrifices His only son to eliminate their sins and grant them salvation.
Now what did this creation deserve? They deserved punishment for being astray.
Instead God being so loving to His own creation sacrifices His son. This makes the creation to God more important than His son. Whereas a God needs neither to beg his creation nor to force them to worship Him. But rather the creation needs much to worship God. Worshiping God is being in touch with Him. Now again, back to the main theme. Fine God decided He loves His creation more than His only son, He sacrifices the son. Of course He was able to save him on the cross but He decided not to. Still remains people who didnt believe in Him the way He wants them to believe who are Jews and Muslims, right? Leave alone that the act of sacrifice conflicts with the nature of a God.
Which makes this major sacrifice in vain. Which also puts many question marks about God of how to handle situations. Isnt this demeaning for a God image? Didnt God have a more effective and powerful way adequate to His Super nature to teach us to believe in Him? I know the sacrifice was to eliminate the sins. What about the sins committed by Christians nowadays, like murder, stealing, rape or whatever. Or this sacrifice was to cover even such acts.
Again for the point of having a son. regardless of the manner this son was created, having a son implies parenthood feelings. How can a God have parenthood feelings? A God in my view must be totally different from the creation. It makes one so comfortable and safe to know that our Lord is of a Supernatural power and Being. Having a son annuls all this.
As Jesus is part of God, 2nd of trinity, does this imply that he has been always there? I assume yes. As I understand from curuious, that each part of God has a set of duties that they coordinate and each morning they are in harmony about who does what? Now this is very interesting. When Jesus was on the cross, no when jesus was a baby still breast feeding, did he delegate his duties to someone else? Who was in charge to take them over? Or those duties were not then fulfilled. How was the universe managed under such situation? If when he was a baby or on the cross, helpless, or in the grave before his claimed resurrection, was not assuming his duties, it does take away his divinity. In case his duties were carried out by the father or the holy spirit, this also makes him less divine that the other two parts of godhead.
More important, if his birth was miraculous and meant to be so, don’t u think that it would have been more effective if he showed up as already a grown up man. I mean why to start as a baby. The whole objective was to stress that fact that he is god incarnate. This should have been performed in a super miraculous fashion in order to attain this objective.