07-07-2006, 06:00 PM
as salam alykom
The problem with such fatwas when they are read and thought of by either a Muslim or non muslim without having full background about the reasons behind them, could be really tricky. Well, I will try to shed some light here.
Muslims have a full comprehensive manual including what to eat, drink, where and even with who.
Now, the issue of American franchises, matter of fact, started and was very hot, I for one was fully for it, to boycot only American products in any way, fashion or type. Even chocolates. Now reepi, was on one thread when we disucssed this and thankfully directed me regarding a dutch coffee brand that I love so much being Jewish or donor to Israel. The whole issue is associated with the large donations made by American to Israel, and more. I know now everyone understands. living in the US will not allow u of course to adopt such course of action. But if u r living in a place like the middle east or any where else where u can at least avoid consuming American products in the name of Allah, not to help them kill our brothers, it is worth trying.
It has nothing to do with Arabizing or pakistanizing Islam. Boycot is a weapon used even at the time of the Messenger prayer and peace be upon him, it was even used against him.
They might have gone a bit far of criminalizing the consumption of such products, but I look at it this way. Yes Arab societies suffer of loosing their identity and seeking to follow and adopt the western culture. But we have been suffering this since the time of colonial invasions.
Again I stress, I m not trying to put words into the Fatwa issuer, but it has to do with boycotting American related businesses, which by the way, at that time when it was really strong made an amazing affect.
Curious, more on the falafel, Wael was somehow brief, it is made of soaked beans, then grind with some vegetables, soda carbon and then deep fried. i m sure you will find it in any Arab restaurant, it is a popular meal.
Go to this link: the pic in this link is closer to reality: