07-07-2006, 02:24 PM
:D salaams everyone.....i am back alhamdulillah and i jus want to thank everyone for their best wishes and hopes for me and naseeha....insha allah we'll be together to share our fun-filled lives with our friends here and families.i see this as an opportunity for me to increase my iman and become a stronger individual in islam.i will be 19 insha allaah, and alot of my friends and families think that i am waaaaay too young to be married but i think its alot safer than others who go about with 3 guys and so on.....they tell me that i'll ruin my life and my dreams.i feel hurt and confused when that happens.it sort of echoes in my head every day.....when you know that its worth doing and experiencing you'll make the best out of it. khadeeja and naseeha forever!