07-07-2006, 01:46 PM
PUPPET wrote:
> Wonder bout all those muslims that drink Coke n Pepsi -
> what do we do with them
It is, of course, against Islamic law to drink coke and pepsi, as the following fatwa clearly shows:
Fatwa on coke, pepsi, etc.
One extract:
Quote:The problem with these products, brands of donuts and pizza are added, is that they are not only using American products and paying franchise fees, they also represent the "American culture." I think the businessmen who started them in our Muslim countries have done a grave mistake in importing the 'American way of life'.
It is my understanding that it is not just American culture that Muslims are required to hate. Muslims are required to hate the cultures of EVERY country of the world (other than the culture of Saudi Arabia, of course). So, Muslims must not only hate the American way of life, they must also hate the Canadian way of life, the New Zealand way of life, the Norwegian way of life, the Hungarian way of life, the Chinese way of life, etc.