06-20-2006, 04:32 PM
As Salam alaikum
Narrated Mo`qal Ibn Yassar that the Messenger salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam said: One who says in the morning aoudh Billah Assame`a Al A`alaeem minashaytan arrajeem 3 times then recited the last three Ayahs of Suratul Hashar (starting from Law anzalna hadhal quran) , Allah Shall Assign to him/her 70 thousand angles to make salah (make dua for him/her) on him till evening and if one died on that day, he /she will be granted a martyr status. One who says that in the evening shall also acquire the same position.
I went to sieze this opportunity but "Law anzalna hadhal quran" is the 21st ayah which would make it the last four ayah of Suratul Hashar. Should I start with this ayah and thus recite the last four ayah of the sura or should I recite the last three ayah leaving of the 21st? Please respond quickly because I need 70,000 angels making dua for me. I would LOVE to die with martyr status. jazaki Allah khair for this info! Such good stuff.
As Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu