04-24-2006, 12:49 PM
salam arclight
I share the same opinion with u, and like u I dont have my own children but also have a niece and nephew who mean a lot to me.
Sobhan Allah I find myself prone to using the approach included in this article and Mash aAllah it works. It does work. But it does need much patience from the parent or adult. An adult need to understand that at the time a child is angry regardless of the reason which may be a silly one, but to the child or adolescent it means a lot. We must think according to their level of understanding not ours. A child crying for not being able to go to a fast food restaurant that he/she likes can mean a lot, trying to bring him to being quite using punishment will do nothing matter of fact will only aggrivate the matter.
Also in Islam arclight, as per hadeeth a child is not supposed to be hit at all, except for prayer at the age of 10. And the level of hitting is nothing. We are commanded not to hit the face for example for what it bears of humiliation. A child must never be humiliated.
May Allah Allow us all to raise Muslim children as Allah Pleases.