04-05-2006, 02:14 AM
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
(download): <b>Nasheed</b> - <b>Sanakhudu
Ma'arikana Ma'ahoum</b>
سنخوض معاركنا معهم وسنمضي جموعا نردعهم
ونعيد الحق المغتصب وبكل القوة ندفعهم
بسلاح الحق البتار سنحرر أرض الأحرار
ونعيد الطهر إلى القدس من بعد الذلّ و ذا العار
و سنمضي ندك معاقلهم بدوىّ دامٍ يقلقهم
وسنمحو العار بأيدينا وبكل القوة نردعهم
لن نرضى بجزءٍ محتلّ لن نترك شبرا للذل
ستمور الأرض و تحرقهم في الأرض براكين تغلي
We will venture to battle with them
And we will march in congregations toward their bases
And we shall return the stolen rights
And with full strength shall topple them
With the relentless weapon of truth
We shall liberate the land of the free
We shall return purity to Al-Quds once again
After humiliation and disgrace
Thunderously we shall infiltrate their hiding shelters
With boisterous stance that distresses them
We shall erase dishonor with our hands
And with full strength shall penalize them
We will not yield to accept an occupied fraction (of land)
We will not leave a hand-span to oppression
For the land will revolt to scorch them
As within the land are raging volcanoes