02-25-2006, 01:09 AM
Quote: To us Allah(SWT) is not a being, to be a being it means that He is created, but Allah(SWT) was never begot nor begotten.
My religion is the same in that regard. God is what always was and what always will be.
The problem for men is that we have trouble wrapping our head around this concept. Afterall, everywhere we look we see cycles of life and death. How does life exist without a beginning? How does a beginning exist without the previous life to begin it? It is, essentially, a "chicken or the egg" type question. In the Catholic Church I think this would be referred to generically as the mystery. The deeper you think, the wider the ocean you swim in becomes.
Quote: He is The One and Only who is worthy of worship. So as u say that we are united through spirit to one God,This is what you are trying to say, and I will tell u that this is the essence of our relegion, no idols no partners, non but one Creator. Allah(SWT), Prophet Muhammad's message was for all nations and not only to Arabs. and to continue the message of previous prophets.
I am curious what you mean here by "no partners." Aren't Prphet Muhammad and the prophets partners? Perhaps you could clarify for me the role/difference between Prophet Muhammad and God. It strikes me as very similar to the paradigm of Jesus and God. They are one, yet separate.
Also, the message of Jesus is for everyone, too. How do we resolve this potential contradiction? That is what my original post was getting at. If we are saying the same thing, then why aren't we saying them as one? Are we following God, or traditions?