02-24-2006, 10:53 PM
Hellow Gill
You ask" Do muslims have to choose between sunni and shai?"
No ,they have`nt to choose between sunni and shai,actually this classification
should`nt exist.All muslims are requested to obey Allah and his messenger and
no more.
(In addition to what sister Radiyah said and Without any details concerning the
shai`s faith we can`t deny that they are muslims.Shai means in Arabic"supporter",
Shai are those who support Ali Ibn Abi Talib"Muhammed cousion"to be the
muslim kalipha against Othman Ibn Affan after the death of Omar Ibn Elkattab,
they thought that the kalipha should be from the prophet family and of course
this is wrong.They pay a great Iove and respect to AIi and his son AIhussen,by
the time some of them follow the path of AIi and his son AIhussen and give this
a periority,may be than following the prophet path.Actually AIi and his son
AIhussen were following the prophet path but we as muslims must ensure that
we follow the prophet path,this is a part of our faith.)
You ask"I am a regular white north american guy, How would the muslim comunity
act around me?"
All non-muslims have two rights.
First we must inform them with Islam(if it is possible)using any peaseful avilable
Secondly,we must dealing kindly and justly with them,unless they did`nt fight us.
Refer to Holy Quran 60/8
(Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor
drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah
loveth those who are just.)
You ask"Is it strange to see a caucasian in a mosque?"
No,why caucasian?!any one can be a muslim,no difference.
Wishing the best for you.