10-24-2005, 12:01 AM
Praise be to Allah Creator of the Creators The All Knowing and prayer and peace be upon His final Messenger, our leader and teacher and beloved Prophet Mohamed Ibn Abdullah, his household and companions.
Never sent We a messenger or a prophet before thee but when He recited (the message) Satan proposed (opposition) in respect of that which he recited thereof. But Allah abolisheth that which Satan proposeth. Then Allah establisheth His revelations. Allah is Knower, Wise;
This is the Ayah which non Muslims base their argument that satanic verses do exist in Quran.
Actually, if those who claim so just understand the meaning they will not be saying so.
Now to start with let us focus and see that the Ayah is talking about either messengers or prophets. Pls take note that Prophets were sent to their own people, however, they didn’t have a book I mean a holy book from Allah, a revelation.
To say then that their books ( I mean the original ones from Allah not the corrupted ones that are being used now) contained satanic verses will be invalid since they didn’t have one to start with.
Then what does the Ayah mean? It is an information to the Messenger salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam, in a way from Allah to console him on his position, that not one single messenger or prophet who were sent before him, except that they faced the same situation he is encountering. The situation of the target group with the call (recipients) who obey and follow their own ego and shaytans telling them that what the Messenger or prophet is calling for is wrong and must not be respected.
As such, we are not talking about Ayahs inserted into a holy book then abrogated by Allah, we are not talking about a Messenger or Prophet repeating what shaytan makes him say, inserts it into a holy book then abrogated as some would like to allege.
Allah Is Explaining how recipients rejected a message after another due to their own desires. But then Allah removes or abolishes what they distort of the calls, as we are aware that nations after nations always distorted the Divine calls, worshiping idols, sun, or fire, or people and so forth. Then Allah Sobhanhu wa Ta`la abolishes such distortions and establishes His signs, His proofs, His Evidences.
Note that Allah in this Ayah Didn’t Say while the Messenger or Prophet is reciting (with all due respect to the translator’s effort) Ayahs revealed to him, but rather Allah Say while conveyed the message. In Arabic the word is Tamana which means to convey a message or more precise wish for people to believe. Thus saying that Quran contains verses dictated to the Messenger from shaytan is an invalid argument since it is based on wrong grounds due to misinterpretation of this verse for the interest of those who want to live in their wishful thinking.
The meaning would be also that not a Messenger or a Prophet who came to call to Allah just as u r doing, except that shaytan came to the recipients and threw doubts in their hearts that the source is not Allah, that the caller is a magician or that the caller receives from shaytan rather than Allah in order to radically abolish this call just exactly as what is happening to you Mohamed.
The response of the ayah that Allah Abrogates what is thrown by shaytan is the physical act of renewing the call thru a different Messenger or Prophet as well as abolishes all obstacles and distortions preventing people from understanding, accepting and listening to the word of Allah.
Again on the word tamana which is translated in the Ayah here as recite. May Allah reward the translator, however, if we say recite then how a prophet who does not even have a book be reciting the word of Allah. The word tamana here is to wish. In simple format, the Ayah is saying when the Messenger or the Prophet carries out his duties of calling people to Allah while wishing of course for them to believe and that his endeavor become successful, satan who has nothing to do except to derive people astray, obstructs and hinders the achievement of his wish. A proof of this is that at the end of the Ayah Allah Didn’t use again the word umnia (wish), but rather here Allah Used Ayah which is sign or verse. Can u see now how the line of sequence is going?
A more comprehensive part here, is that while the Messneger or the prophet is carrying out his Dawa duty, certainly he wishes (as expressed by the Ayah) for his effort to bear positive fruit. Shyatan comes and disturbs this wish or hope by making him feel desperate and frustrated, by making him loose hope that people will believe or that his effort will be successful in any way. But Allah supports the Messenger thru various means and establishes His signs thru those who believe.
Allah u Akbar.
Alhamdulelah who has guided us for this and if it was not for Allah we wouldnt have been guided.