09-18-2005, 01:18 PM
All the people are free to do what they are want to do,but the society
has the right to stop any actions may cause harm to the others and that
is why the laws existed.Laws put some limitations on our behaviour,but
all the people are forced to follow these laws.
How much we will accept these laws,it depends about how much these laws
are based on our faith.
If laws are based on our faith(what ever this faith was),we will feel
comfortable and will accept laws as a method to correct our behaviour,
but if the laws are not based on our faith we may feel uncomfortable
and somtimes we will consider that we are not free.
So we can say that muslims live under laws based on isalm is free more than muslms live under other laws.
Considering the islamic dress,actually Islam decideed punishments to be
taken by the society for some wrong actions,unwearing islamic dress is
not one of these actions,beside there is an islamic dress for the men
also,for example wearing a short dress(over the knee) inpublic is not
admitted to the men.
So puting laws cocerning the women/men dresses in Saudi Arabia is the
government action.And as I said all governments around the world put
some laws and all the people are forced to follow these laws,without
saying any word about slaving.
Actually,being muslems mean that we accept any laws based on Islam.
beside our acceptance to these laws mean that we obey the god who
created us ,it is better for us to follow laws based on our faith than
to follow laws based on the other`s faith.
To be free does`nt mean you are free to do wrong actions causing harm
to the others,we as muslims think that unwearing islamic dresses will
cause harm to our society.
Finally,what about muslims girls who are forced to disobey their God in
France,where is the freedom?