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Does the Quran talks about the Terrorists?

I'm sorry sister, I will do that in my next comments, thatis what i always do anyway, I really do not know why I did not post the english, but I thank you a lot for doing that

I already extracted all the verses regarding the hypocrites, and i'm going through Ibn Kathir Tafsir, I actually discovered new facts, this book is really amazing, every time you read it you discover new things, this is a miracle

I have a lot of home work to do but I'm really exited about it, and it is not contest rather sharing information, logic and understanding, I'm not attacking islam, but I found when I see an action/understanding by the majority of muslims (me included) that can not be valid if compared with the Quran, so I try to dicuss it, I found my brothers and sisters get defensive, some even start attacking me like I'm a total idiot, but as I said I'm very professional in the Arabic language and I found understanding the Quran is really easy, I never found it hard to understand, I really do not know why many thinks it is hard to understand, for example sister, the concept of polygamy in Islam, was clear and conditioned as read in verse 4:3

however you will see many muslims with totally different understanding to it, some with understanding that is really a joke, I tackled this issue for over a year was invloved with talks with muslims, in australia, the uk and egypt, and to my shocking surprise, I found there is a few different understandings to the polygamy law in Islam as extracted from the Quran, yet the verses totally mean something else, my research was confirmed after finsing an Islamic web site for muslim sisters and I was so happy to see that many sisters truelly understand the polygamy law, and their understanding is the cloest you get to the verse true meaning, in fact they even warning their sisters to not to allow the men to abuse the polygamy law

so I'm a muslim of that sort, I can not see my brothers and sisters with totally opposite opinions/understanding, while the fact of the matter is all muslims should have one understanding (Quran and authenticated sunnah)

if I turn a blind eye on it, I will be rendered exactly the same, i.e. I will be really annoyed with myself as I'm annoyed with most muslims

I hope my muslim brothers and sisters understand my position, someone who is really looking for the best understanding to the Quran and the way to do it is to read the Quran not to follow what muslims do, I have to prove everything to myself this is what I learnt from the Bible, as I spend a few years studying the Bible and comparing it with the Quran, a passage in the Bible that I truely believe in:

<b>"Not to take things for granted, but 'PROVE ALL THINGS"</b>

<i><b>{1 Thessalonians 5:21}</b></i>



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Does the Quran talks about the Terrorists? - by AhmedBahgat - 09-12-2005, 09:47 AM

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